Thinking about therapy? | 7 important things to consider

Thinking about therapy

Deciding to start therapy is an exciting and brave thing to do. But it can also feel confusing and daunting initially, especially if you’ve never had therapy before. It can be difficult to picture what therapy is like or how to decide which therapist to work with.

One of our therapists, Zoe Yessaian, clearly remembers what it felt like before she started therapy, and wanted to share some useful starting points to consider and insight into what therapy can be like.

Beyond Romance | Embracing Self Partnership as a Path to Personal Resilience

Image of two people, one on top of a heart. to depict self partnership

Self partnership is about building a life of emotional and social resilience rather than pinning all our hopes on a Mr/Mrs/Mx Right. Self-relationship is the bedrock for our other connections. If we don’t maintain a healthy relationship with ourselves – creating self partnership – then our partners are left to pick up the pieces, and relationships can fall apart.

Ferly | Discover mindful sex

ferly mindful sex

Ferly’s mission is to guide you to pleasurable, confident and healthy sex – pretty much my mission in life too!

Me and my shadow…

When you find yourself reacting strongly to other people’s personalities or behaviour, ask yourself why. The answer won’t always be obvious; it may well be deep inside your unconscious, an aspect of your shadow self.

Love the person, hate the addict

I never stopped loving the addicts in my life, even though I hated them at times. I came to realise that it’s ok to love the person and hate the addict.

Lessons in love 

It would be reasonable to say that I’ve had my fair share of relationships. So what have I learnt?